

Press Release

PRESS RELEASE from Artifact Gallery
for Lightwaves, a solo art exhibition by artist Laurel Smith 
Artifact Gallery, 84 Orchard Street, NYC
August 27-September 14, 2014

"Artifact is pleased to announce a solo exhibition of prints by Laurel Smith.
A reception for the artist will be held on Sunday September 7, from 6 to 8pm.

Laurel Smith's new works are bold experiments in the structuring of space
without using the traditional methodologies.  The analytic and the spiritual in
her ink on paper prints are kept in harmonious balance.  In affect, the artist's
images are vestigial ones on the verge of the cusp between meltdown and
metamorphosis - a liminal state that resists identifiable locas.  Transparency,
permeability and structured etherialization are the hallmarks of Smith's ink
on paper prints.

Intuition and chance are both used and referred to in Smith's compositions.
However, despite its digital origin, her images sweep over us with the energy
of natural order.  All of these works are resolutely reverent in this respect:  
each work assumes a rhythmic convergence of opposites.  While each 
image refers to the world of nature, it is resolutely living a life of pure, non-
objective form.The result is poetic visual imagination at its best in which 
the activity of image making, in the artist's words captures "subtle realms of 

feeling and experience."

Laurel Smith's works are intriguing as they are held in a state of suspension 
between two conditions.  Being removed from transcendence they allow the 
viewer to access what may be considered as a perceptual aspect of 
transcendence through the use of boundless infinities of color expanses.  
Thus, this layered presence and anti-presence in each abstraction furnishes 
the idea of an enduring present, the contrast between change and the 
unchanging, between time and eternity."

TEXT from the Catalogue of Personal Structures - open borders.
Venice Biennale 2017

"My goal with art is to take people beyond the every day boundaries of life;
to experience the subtle dimensions of existence and at the same time to 
have an awareness of the cosmos and the connection between the two.  

Each work of art captures the flow of unique vibrational energies, at play 
with overlapping dimensions.  Time, space and existence are themes that 
run through my creative process.  Time travel, unraveling timelines, dimensions 
of consciousness, galaxies of light and portals, all are themes which go beyond 
time, space and existence to the infinite, unbounded realm. 

How large a vision can you have?  Creation energy unfolds unlimited 
possibilities.  When the boundaries of our minds disappear, creativity 
explodes and we can operate in a universe of infinite potential.  My personal 
artistic structures hold keys of consciousness which bridge the finite to the 
infinite.  When I create, I work spontaneously in the moment and open fully 
to the ever expanding flow of creation.  I move beyond thought, beyond the 
mind, beyond material existence.  I am taken into a place of extreme bliss 
and joy.

Can art transform you, your space, the environment and even the world?
I invite you to experience each artwork as a portal to the infinite, to take you 
out of the personal structures of your every day life and into the truth and 
beauty of transcended consciousness."